Hello friends! I hope you all are in good health and maintaining good spirits. These are trying and scary times and I am right here with you. I've made the decision to keep cooking and delivering meals as there has been increased interest/need and the CDC says it is still okay to do so. I have increased my sanitation/cautionary practices beyond the obvious excessive hand washing, gloves, distance & sanitary wipes while shopping and sterilization of cooking utensils. Here's what I'm doing extra:
1. Keeping my outside contact to the absolute minimum. I no longer have outside help coming in.
2. Spray disinfectant of my car before and after all deliveries.
3. Spray disinfectant of food parcels after I leave the grocery store (not fresh produce, I clean that separately)
4. Daily monitoring of my temperature
I take our health very seriously as this time, so I'm not f*#king around!! The menu is attached and may look a little different as I'll be streamlining how I do things for everyone's convenience. There will be a focus on immune building foods and an addition of some kid friendly foods. I may start delivering 2 days (using the same weekly menu), if the need is there. I will continue to put the menu out on Wednesday and ask that all orders be placed by midnight Thursday for the following week. My preference is to receive payments via Venmo so that I can confirm your order. I ask for patience if any food item is no longer available after I've posted a menu. I'll do my best to adjust. As always, flexibility and catering to individual needs is of the outmost importance to Intentional Eats!! If you have a question or would like a modification, please ask. Thank for your consideration of sticking with the service for as long as I am able to provide it.